This website is a tribute to seven World War II veterans born to a poor Mexican immigrant family. All were born and lived in the same home located in the mountains of New Mexico at a place called High Rolls.

They grew up in the middle of the “great depression” and witnessed many fellow Mexican Americans families being repatriated to Mexico. Jobs were scarce and America did not need dark skinned “foreign” workers.
Despite this environment their parents made sure they had enough to eat, went to church and attend school. They were taught humility and perseverance. Most importantly they experience family love and devotion. The family was everything.
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, two boys were already in US Military Service and the other five soon followed. They served in the US Merchant Marines, US Army, US Army Air Force and US Navy and experienced firsthand the destruction and horror of the most intense, brutal and destructive war the world had ever witnessed.
Their names were Francisco “Frank” E. Nogales (born 1917), Ramon N Flores (1918), Cruz E Nogales (1920), Albert N Flores (1920), Manuel N Flores (1922), David N Flores (1924), and Damacio “Deano” E Nogales (1924)
Military Service Locations
On the Home Front, CBS* News